1) Point of View DONE

     There were pros and cons to the novel using a 3rd person point of view for multiple characters. It would have been nice to have experienced the more personal thoughts of the characters, but the story flowed clearly nonetheless. At first, I did not like how the novel focused on multiple characters rather than just the experience of one. It was frustrating when I would become engaged in one character's adventures but then turn the page and read about a completely different scenario. However, I realized that being able to read about a multitude of characters gave me a wider range and understanding of the happenings of the circus compared to just reading about Bailey, Poppet, and Widget romping around The Circus. Bailey's perspective showed the more innocent side of the Circus through running around and enjoying the tents, as the audience is meant to. Celia's point of view showed the darker use of the circus as she endured training to win the mysterious competition she knew so little about. 
